
Working Papers

"Revisiting U.S. Wage Inequality at the Bottom 50%"
Revise & Resubmit,  Review of Economic Studies
R package
Updated: July 2022

"Decomposing the Rise of the Populist Radical Right" with Noam Gidron, Shinnosuke Kikuchi, and Ro'ee Levy

Reject & Resubmit, Journal of Political Economy
Updated: February 2024

"Negative Controls for Instrumental Variable Designs" with Daniel Nevo, Bar Weinstein, and Dan Zeltzer  

Under review
Updated: May 2024

Getting Beneath the Veil of Intergenerational Mobility, Evidence from Three Cities ” with Tanaya Devi and Roland G. Fryer
R package

Updated: November 2021

Modernity and Female Labor Force Participation”, with Eran Yashiv

Under review
Updated: March 2024

Published & Accepted Papers

"Outside Options in the Labor Market" with Sydnee Caldwell

Accepted,  Review of Economic Studies
R package
Updated: July 2022

"Productivity and Selection of Human Capital with Machine Learning" (with Chalfin, A., Hillis, A., Jelveh, Z., Luca, M., Ludwig, J., & Mullainathan, S.), American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 106 ,No. 5 (2016): 124-127.

"Top Income Shares in Israel" (Hebrew)  with Shai Gilat and Dor Leventer

Accepted, Israel Economic Quarterly
English version, Hebrew version
Updated: May 2024

The Origins of Income Inequality in Israel” (with Ofer Cornfeld), Israel Economic Review, Vol. 12, No.2 (2015): 51-95.

Work in Progress

"The Long Term Consequences of Programs for Gifted Students", with David Maagan, Ran Shorrer, and Noam Zussman

Popular Writing

How to Hire with Algorithms” with Andrew Hillis, Michael Luca, Harvard Business Review, Digital, December 2016